Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I need a new computer....

I need a new computer...


Really bad...

It is now starting to affect both my personal and professional relationships.

I can tell. I have to use the receptionist's computer at work when she is not there, and I can totally tell that it is getting to her. There are too many files that she doesn't recognize. Things are rearranged, and she has now stopped talking to me. Hey, I'm sorry, but I need a machine that is hooked up to a zerox! I don't think I am too hard to deal with. But it is still annoying to have someone else constantly in your space. I can respect that!

So now all I have left is my husband's computer which is in the basement. And super cool cause he has it projected onto the wall. Facebook is "Super Facebook" on this computer. The problem here is that I can't really do anything here either. First, this computer doesn't have any of the programs that I need for work. Nothing, not even Word. I also have to keep all the settings the same (not cause he demands it, cause I'm a cool wife!) which makes everything, and I mean truly everything harder.

For example, not having my own computer has made this blog and everything about this blog harder to accomplish. I can't keep track of workouts, calorie intake, or post every business day like I hoped. I also have tons of pictures and videos that I would love to get up here that can't happen. And research for individual projects are harder to find time for. If anything, it is slowing this process way, way, way ,way, way down.

So what do I want. I want a Mac. I want a Mac Laptop. And I want a new cable to my external hard drive so that I can get that back online. Dog ate the cable. Thanks Dog for kicking me when I was down. Totally appriciate it, and will remember it the next time you need help with something. Like getting your ball from behind the hope chest. Good thing your super cute and sleeping at my feet. That makes up for anything.

So that is my frustration for the day. And why so far 6 weeks have gone by in this year and I am behind on many of my goals. Hopefully soon I and everything else will be back up to speed, and we'll be back rolling.

***Don't forget to vote in the side bar for what you would like to see me do!! You get to pick***