Oh, Celebrities!!
Did you forget?! Did you forget who you are? You're cel-e-brit-ties! This means that we follow your every move, action, dietary plan, work-out schedule, dating schedule, court schedule, and any other schedule that you may abide by. And now thanks to little tiny cameras on phones and trashy sites like TMZ.com we can even find out MORE about you.
So did you really think that wouldn't noticed that giant bong on you're face? ::snickering::
Or that one of your buddies, you know, maybe the nice trustworthy one that sold you the pot wouldn't take a picture of your mug in the act? ::laughing::
Or that it was a good Idea? ::I just peed a litte::
Of coarse we would notice. Not only did we notice, it is the only thing anyone has been able to talk about for the last three days. Its like nothing else has happened. Nothing at all, certainly not the superbowl!!!! That's right Mr. Anonymous 8-gold-medalist-athlete, this is bigger than the superbowl. People are talking more about the pipe to your face than the E-Trade Baby Adds!
You're so silly!!
But we have other silliness happening!!
Oh gee golly Batman....It seems we have been a wee bit....unprofessional
Do we always yell at people who walk into rooms? Are you trying to set a trend? Kind of like on the show "Cheers", but instead of yelling "NORM!!" you yell expletives repeatedly at the person until they cry? No I get it, totally radical new idea. And you're right it will totally set you apart from other celebrities! Angelina has babies and you have......this.
But I have to say Batman that I tried it today with my boss and it didn't go over very well. In fact at the end he had things to yell back too! Like, "write up" and "probationary status". Maybe he's trying out a new greetings too!
Seriously though Batman...You are not cool enough to demand that people be fired. If you were, the guy would be fired.
So stop being so silly!!
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