Thursday, January 8, 2009

We Are the World, We are Lego Batman

Hello readers! I my room is a death trap, A migraine took me out for most of the day, and Wii stole more hours from my life. Now on to today's ramble.

I find that Lego Batman is one of the greatest games on the Wii to date. First of all you get to run around and play on both sides. Let's say that you have an extra destructive day. No worries. Feel free to run around and rip apart Gotham from the bottom up! You can team up with your favorite goons and villains, destroying buildings, art, diamonds and breaking cops down to the tiny blocks they are made of! This is a great a suitable alternative to punch your boss in the face, beating your spouse, or raining havoc on your local city.

Now, let's say you feel as though there is no justice in the world. Maybe you do not feel as though you have been slacking when it comes to contributing to humanity. Well, slap your face and call you Sally! Cause you can play for the good guys too! Lift up your inner super hero as you jump, punch, glide, growl, and spook the Joker right down to his shoes. Only you can Save Gotham. Be Batman, Save the world.

The best part about this game is the amount of game time that there is. After HOURS and DAYS I am still only %57 in. This game is the perfect game to waste away at. There are tons of Characters, and mini lego sets to collect through out the game. One would not think that this would motivate you to keep wasting your soul with.

But you do, because the 8 year old version of yourself within you screams "I NEED ALL THE CHARACTERS!! I NEED THEM!!"

And as usual, the 8 year old verion of you breaks you down like a cardboard box, and another 27 hours disappear. You suck at being a parent.

Even though you waste all that time; You feel good about it because you truly enjoyed yourself. I mean, truly enjoyed the time you spent with yourself....playing with your Wii. Playing with your Wii, playing Lego Batman. It took a lot long than I expected to make that senctence not seem dirty.

Until next time, Peace and Hair Grease...