Friday, January 2, 2009

Awesomeness Requires Physique (what should have been Friday's blog)

Do you like what you see? Oh yeah!

This is the current state of Lindsay as of January 2, 2009. And I think the review is....Not great.

Believe it or not I used to be an athlete. In high school I swam and gave a lot of girls a run for their money. I spent a lot of time in the water, but it was always fun. After High School I gain a little weight in college, but I was able to get my weight back down to high school numbers. Then I got married, and nothing has looked the same since. Since I graduated high school I have put on approx. 40lbs. Which on average is about 8 lbs a year.

Now, as you may have noticed, losing weight is not one of my items on my list to conquer. In fact I said that the losing weight goal was not fun or adventurous. It's not. However, there are A LOT of awesome things on my list that I need to be physically ready for. It's not easy to be awesome when you are catching your breathe. So instead of "weight-loss" I will be training for awesomeness.

As you can see to my left I have added a calendar to my blog. This calender will not only tell you about trips, events, or list items I have planned but also what workouts I plan to do on which day. Each work out is about 2 hrs. At the end of the month there will be a blog update all about my fitness improvement. Can I run faster? Does the gym outfits fit better? Weight will be part of the report. but I want it to be known it will not be the main focus.

Getting ready for the events are.

The Bolder Boulder is Scheduled for May 25, 2009.
The Crescent Moon Triathlon is September 19, 2009 in Denver.

Both will be conquered!