Ah, DC....how lovely you are!!
Now that we are here, the fears and the worries of this trip has totally melted away. All is well in the land of Lindsay!
Today we spent the day with a few missions, #1 Get our inauguration tickets, #2 See awesome museum stuff, #2 See the WW II memorial. We got up early to make sure that we got our tickets first thing, that way if there was anything wrong with them we could fix it before the big day tomorrow. It was at this early morning hour that we learned something valuable, one of our roommates is freakin' nuts.
Right as we get ready to leave she gets a phone call that she needs to take, chasing us out of every room in the apartment to talk. Literally, she would ask us to leave a room and then she would talk in there for 5 seconds and make us leave another room. Then when things couldn't get any weirder, she darted from one end of the apartment to the other to have a post-night-of-drinking puke. And the best part her "service dog" (service dog is in quotes because we still don't believe it was!!) refuses to follow her. She made the trip weird and awkward the whole time. Luckily there was enough awesomeness going on that we could drown her out.
The rest of the day was great. No problem with our tickets. In fact the Wyoming Senate office was a lot of fun. We got our picture taken with Sen. John Barrasso, which was awkward since neither of us voted for him, but wrote my name in instead. Did he know he was getting his picture taken with his direct competition. No, I was a bigger person and did not let him know. Adn to make things MORE AWKWARD we are now on Barrasso's home page. Check it out. http://barrasso.senate.gov/public/
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and seeing awesome things. We Saw the Star Spangle Banner, Kermit the frog, Some Red Slippers, bot most importantly The Portrait of Stephen Colbert!!! Holy Canoli, here it is right there. We couldn't helo but get multiple pictures with it. If there is anything in the world that will make you feel like America, it is definitly that!!
We were able to hit the Museum of the American Indian, the Air and Space Museum and the Museum of American History all in one day. Go us. Our feet were tired but we felt good about everything we did. Besides. we want to make sure that we go to bed early to insure the energy that we will need to get through tomorrow. Wish us luck, our goal is to not get mobbed.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A Day in DC
Posted by Lindsay at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: inauguration
Going to the Inauguration....
Alright, as you can tell I have been out of commission and it is time to get back in the swing of things. First and foremost, we're going to the inauguration!! That's right two tiny girls from Wyoming are going to the biggest party in American history. Please feel free to take this time to be jealous!!
It doesn't matter whether or not you like him, the bottom line is that this is going to be something historical. Like Woodstock, or landing on the moon; or that time I glued my tongue to the roof of my mouth. It will be something that will be in 8th grade history books and in reenactment movies.
Not to mention I love DC like a fat kid loves cake!! It is the best city in the world. Why? Because no matter where you go you will never find a place with more of your personal history in it. You have the flag that inspired "The Star Spangle Banner", pieces from our space research, Kermit the frog, the Declaration of Independence, and all of our nations memorials all in one place. There are very few places I have been that cause me to be more humble. Most of them are just certain places, never an entire city!! DC has that impact.
I will be out of commission for the next few days. Due to the fact that I will be kickin' it in DC and that my computer is broken. Check back though in about a week for new stuff.
Posted by Lindsay at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: inauguration
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Nebraska, You Can Suck it!
Yeah Nebraska, you read that right! You Can Suck it!!
"The good life." Are you freaking kidding me?! Who do you think you are, Nebraska? Confused yourself with Colorado?! You are the land of awfulness and tears.
Let's talk about all the empty barns and houses, Nebraska. What happened? Did you suck out their souls, chasing them away? That's right, people are leaving house and home to get away from you! In fact, there are SO many empty houses that you have to build a grain silo to let us know that there actually is humanity there. In the 1800's the government finally had to give chunks of you away. That's right Nebraska!! Uncle Sam was begging people to live with you! And it is clear from the miles of abandoned buildings that you killed their hopes and dreams.
And everywhere you look there are corn husks in the barbwire. What's up, Nebraska? Can't even clean up after yourselves? We know it's your name. You have it on EVERY billboard in the State. And you have a billboard every 6 miles of you 435 mile gurth. What are you trying to prove, Nebraska? Trying to show off how well you husk? You wanna make sure I know who's the number one husker when I am pulling them outta the grill of my car?!? Well guess what, I am not impressed. Just disgusted. All I see is a hot sluty husking mess. Where are your morals!
And everything is RED. Everything. Every truck, license plate, billboard, building, bar, EVERYTHING. What's wrong, Nebraska? Are you afraid that we will forget where we are?! We couldn't forget if we FREAKIN' tried! How do I know, CAUSE I FREAKIN' TRIED!! I would imagine a place of puppies, and lollipops`; then I would open my eyes and remember that I was still IN FREAKIN' NEBRASKA!! I tried with all my might. Yet everytime I remembered a tiny piece of my soul floated away.
In the Bible, the Greeks came up with the word hell, but only because the Greeks didn't have a word for "Nebraska"!
The pioneers looked forward to getting to Independance Rock, and then decided to travel 800 more miles to get away from you, Nebraska!
No wonder they hide the President there, it's the safest place he could be. Because NO ONE willing to go to NEBRASKA to get him!!
So thanks, Nebraska! Those are 18 hours I will never get back. May I recommend you change the sign. There is obviously a misunderstanding when it comes to what is considered "A Good Life!"
I'm going to the gym....
Posted by Lindsay at 4:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Chicago road trip, depression, Nebraska, saddness
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I Feel Like the Gecko!
There is a new Geico commercial, where they try to put the Gecko in a suit to help rack up sales. And when the little suit comes out for him to admire, he looks at it with awkwardness, disgust, and confusion. At the end of the commercial you can tell what the gecko is thinking "I just want to save people money on car insurance, why does it matter what I wear?"
That's how I feel.
At some point, you become defined in who you are. You know your passions, your purpose, your drive. You have surrounded yourself with people who love you, and support you. Many are down the same different drum road you are. You feel confident that because you are different, the world is going to be a different and much better place.
Then right as you least expect it, during an evening with friends, planning your wedding, or just having an average day at work; the world demands you to play by their rules. They may suggest things to be more interested in, different things to wear, different things to fight for, different people to associate with. Where before you know it, you are nothing but a shell of your formal self.
As usual, you give a little. "No, sure I can do that. I like 4 inch heals! They are so comfortable on my feet!" "Wicker?! Yeah Wicker could be stylish!"
Then one morning you will find yourself in a situation, and no longer recognize yourself. "When did I start wearing crocks?" "Wait, I used to look like these cool hipster, indie kids....What happened?" And before you know it you feel disappointed that you broke the one promise you had made to yourself so long ago. To just be you...
Then the world well ask you to change something that is so outrageous, so against everything you stand for, you will put your foot down.
This happened to me this week. Both things actually. I went to an environment that used to be a culture I was engulfed in. And since the Adult world has pulled me so far away, I panicked. Still not sure exactly why. Is it because I realized just how much I have changed since college, probably.
Yet at the same time, the world came knocking on my idealistic door demanding something else to be different; and for the first time I said no. I said no and I made no apologies for my actions or for the way I do things. I nor my actions will be like everyone else. That is how I will change the world.
Now I am just finding a way to be in the middle. I understand that to change the system and to fully complete my goals I have to work within the system, but that does not mean I have to lose my sense of self or the ideologies that I started out with. There can be both. There needs to be both.
That is also another goal that I am hoping to accomplish. How can I combine my old awesome self and my new boring professional self, to be the person that I ultimately want to be? I want to be able to say that I also have this accomplished at the end of the year, and frankly I think that I have a lot of awesome things to help me get there.
Posted by Lindsay at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We Are the World, We are Lego Batman
Hello readers! I my room is a death trap, A migraine took me out for most of the day, and Wii stole more hours from my life. Now on to today's ramble.
I find that Lego Batman is one of the greatest games on the Wii to date. First of all you get to run around and play on both sides. Let's say that you have an extra destructive day. No worries. Feel free to run around and rip apart Gotham from the bottom up! You can team up with your favorite goons and villains, destroying buildings, art, diamonds and breaking cops down to the tiny blocks they are made of! This is a great a suitable alternative to punch your boss in the face, beating your spouse, or raining havoc on your local city.
Now, let's say you feel as though there is no justice in the world. Maybe you do not feel as though you have been slacking when it comes to contributing to humanity. Well, slap your face and call you Sally! Cause you can play for the good guys too! Lift up your inner super hero as you jump, punch, glide, growl, and spook the Joker right down to his shoes. Only you can Save Gotham. Be Batman, Save the world.
The best part about this game is the amount of game time that there is. After HOURS and DAYS I am still only %57 in. This game is the perfect game to waste away at. There are tons of Characters, and mini lego sets to collect through out the game. One would not think that this would motivate you to keep wasting your soul with.
But you do, because the 8 year old version of yourself within you screams "I NEED ALL THE CHARACTERS!! I NEED THEM!!"
And as usual, the 8 year old verion of you breaks you down like a cardboard box, and another 27 hours disappear. You suck at being a parent.
Even though you waste all that time; You feel good about it because you truly enjoyed yourself. I mean, truly enjoyed the time you spent with yourself....playing with your Wii. Playing with your Wii, playing Lego Batman. It took a lot long than I expected to make that senctence not seem dirty.
Until next time, Peace and Hair Grease...
Posted by Lindsay at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: 8yr old Lindsay, Lego Batman, Life and the Wii
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Body bugg, the FBI, and the Vulgerity passed Down from my dad
Body bugg is an AMAZING invention for chubby people. It calculates all your calories you are burning while you are wearing it, and it can be worn straight up to 5 days. It will also calculate how many you eat on the website! YAY!!
Now on to meaningless stuff....
I love the new Frontier Airlines commercial. Love it. I think it is HILARIOUS!! The little animals want to travel with Jet-packs. "Jet-packs, Jet-packs, Jet-pack!" Yay animals.
Also, my buddy Brian Williams told me today that the FBI is hiring in record proportions. They are looking for financial advisers, computer analysis and people who are fluent in foreign languages. So if you are super cool and you know things, the FBI is looking for YOU!! (Lindsay pointing like uncle sam poster even though you can't see her.)
Speaking of buddies, I learned that my father taught me a whole lot to dirty words on accident. That's right my dad. My dad is a miller wright union man. So for the majority of his life he has been working on big machines and swearing a lot. Well when my dad ending up being the father of daughters, he did not want to say these swear words in front of us, so he came up with reasonable substitutes.
Turns out that none of these words were reasonable. But down right wrong. However, my sisters and I had no idea and when we grew up, we started to use these "terms" in public places. Imagine my 8th grade teachers amazement when I casually dropped the word "Jap" when refering to the Japanese population? Or when I called someone in my office meeting a "smuck"?
Now, I just want to state that I am not predujice toward the Asian population nor do I like to use jewish slag. I literally had no idea. Why? Because I was raised by a crazy person. A crazy, slightly red-neck person that my mother decided to breed with. Thanks mom!
The fact of the matter is, we are all products of our parents. Not only the positive characteristics but also the negative. For some this resognates in addiction, or bad eating habits. But over in my house, it is awful language. And because of that I will forever accidently put my foot in my mouth.
Thanks Daddy!
Posted by Lindsay at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
This Might be Harder than I thought.....
I don't know what I was expecting, but I feel icky.
I only completed one half of my workout for the day, the yoga. I have a new respect for yoga and my body. I am way impressed with some of the shapes I can make with my body. But it still made the muscles in my body mad at me. I fell asleep old-people-style at 6:53pm. Who does that? I'll tell you who: The elderly after they get back from Country Buffet.
I am also starting to realize how many wires this is going to take to do this. I just spent DAYS looking for the cord I needed that was holding up Friday's blog, and my Ipod is totally dead, which is where the other half of my workout is. LAME! Totally LAME!!
I heard from a wise man that sometimes we have to "Bust our cycle". This is where we try to do something completely different and radical. Like this blog, but it also causes you to "bust" something. Monday was the first day I realized how mean and violent busting is. It's a very destructive word. One of change and damage and breaking....everything.
I think it was all the busting that cause me to fall asleep old-people-style. Tomorrow's a new day. I'm going to bed early.
Posted by Lindsay at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Awesomeness Requires Physique (what should have been Friday's blog)
Do you like what you see? Oh yeah!
This is the current state of Lindsay as of January 2, 2009. And I think the review is....Not great.
Believe it or not I used to be an athlete. In high school I swam and gave a lot of girls a run for their money. I spent a lot of time in the water, but it was always fun. After High School I gain a little weight in college, but I was able to get my weight back down to high school numbers. Then I got married, and nothing has looked the same since. Since I graduated high school I have put on approx. 40lbs. Which on average is about 8 lbs a year.
Now, as you may have noticed, losing weight is not one of my items on my list to conquer. In fact I said that the losing weight goal was not fun or adventurous. It's not. However, there are A LOT of awesome things on my list that I need to be physically ready for. It's not easy to be awesome when you are catching your breathe. So instead of "weight-loss" I will be training for awesomeness.
As you can see to my left I have added a calendar to my blog. This calender will not only tell you about trips, events, or list items I have planned but also what workouts I plan to do on which day. Each work out is about 2 hrs. At the end of the month there will be a blog update all about my fitness improvement. Can I run faster? Does the gym outfits fit better? Weight will be part of the report. but I want it to be known it will not be the main focus.
Getting ready for the events are.
The Bolder Boulder is Scheduled for May 25, 2009.
The Crescent Moon Triathlon is September 19, 2009 in Denver.
Both will be conquered!
Posted by Lindsay at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Getting physical, new calender, races will be conquered, weight sucks
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I Want to Go to There!
I Want to Go to There.
This is my favorite line that Liz Lemon says on "30 Rock". She says it whenever she sees something that she wants. Mostly in reference to food. However, usually whenever she says this line she gets whatever she is pursuing.
I Want to Go to There.
Resolutions suck. I learned early on that many years they are created in a Negative manner. "I wanna lose weight!" "I wanna quit smoking!" "I want to balance my check book." And though all of these are good, self-improving goals; they are also not fun, or adventurous. Which is wy many of us don't succeed.
This year I am taking a different perspective. I have still picked things that are self-improving and challenging. Things that will ultimately challenge my character. Yet they are fun!! They are challenges and activities I have always wanted to do. They are thing that I look at and think "I want to go to there."
The first of these challenges is what you are looking at. I have always wanted to be one of those people that kept a blog that was interesting enough to have a fan base. So here it is. I will update this blog with either a written blog or a video blog for every business day starting today. I will be documenting my year, my awesomeness, and my face plants, to be judged to make sure that this goes out with a bang.
So comeback, see how I'm doing, and yell at me to be better. Ya know.....if you feel like it...
Posted by Lindsay at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: The beginning