Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mary, Mary, Quiet Contrary...

Here are my tiny little pods!! Aren't they Cute!!

Because of the CRASHING of the econ, and my pocketbook growing smaller, I thought that it would be a waste of time and money to grow another season of flowers. So I dug up all my bulbs and am trying a new approach, FOOD!!

Not just any food, organic food. I found organic plant food and everything. What you are seeing in this picture are the beginning of peas, watermelon, and the two big plants are parsley and basil for the kitchen. That's why they get fancy pots, they are not going to be moved.

Growing something is a very funny experience. Mainly because every move I make is followed by the thought of "Will I kill it?"

"I'll move them to the sun."
"Will I kill it?"

"It's time for watering."
"But will I kill it?"

The answer is probably. I kill nearly everything I have tried to grow indoors, but I have HUGE success with the growth of things outdoors. Which is why I get more and more excited for spring. The sooner I get them outside, the higher chance they have of survival!

So on the growing menu this year we have: Parsley, Basil, Oregano, Peas, Green Beans, Watermelon, Carrots, Lettuce, Cucumber, and Berries! The Berry Bushes are officially outside being awesome in the sun! Hopefully I will have enough to jam!!

Now I know what you are asking, "Lindsay What is this contraption your baby plants are in?"

Well I'll tell ya, its a greenhouse box. The green house box come with organic dirt pellets that puff up when wet; they puff up big enough to make room for one baby plant. Then you put the clear lid on top and you have your own greenhouse!! This have been great, because the tiny green house created enough heat and humidity to get my tough seeds to grow, seeds that I couldn't get to grow on my own like Watermelon, Peas, and Green Beans. They were all giving me a fight. But NOT ANYMORE!! BWAH HA HA HA!!

You can get the greenhouse box at any Home Depot or Lowe's store. I highly recommend them for the nervous gardener.