Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sick Days are not Helping....


Being sick is gross and not fun. Mainly because as an adult there is no one around to make you feel better. Want the remote? Better find it! Feel Like Soup? Great, cause we have plenty for you to choose from and make yourself. Need medicine? Go find it and you better be paying attention when you measure it out or else you might accidentally kill yourself!!

It's not fun. The few times I tried to have my dog get me anything, all she brought back were ropes, balls, and one stuffed duck. Cute, but entirely not helpful. I should teach her to cook soup from a can.

The most unfun, inconvenient thing about being sick is that it makes my list so much more harder. The Bolder Boulder is not that far away, and now that I am registered its time to start nailing out some serious training! But how can you do that when you are paying your respects to the guy who build the toilet?

I went to the gym last night, telling myself that I was being a wussy. Then outta nowhere my body sent the clear message, "If you don't get us outta here, I am going to embarrass you!" I puked outside of my car.

With the end of this uncomfortable day approaching; I have new running shoes, my appetite back and my goals approaching. I'm getting nervous because it is about 1/4 of the year over. I thought that I would have at least 1/4 of the list done! I Think I am starting to fall on my face.

It's time to get moving!