Well...not really...but man do I feel like it.
My soul has been tapped out and left for dead on the floor of academic Christian schooling. Today was the hardest paper I had to write. Bible papers are difficult. They aren't like normal academic papers where if you get something wrong you are just wrong. In Jesus school if you get something wrong you have accidentally committed heresy against the God you serve. Oops. That makes writing and researching way more terrifying.
The other reason that Christian writing is extra hard is because not only could you accidentally commit heresy, you could accidentally change Christian doctrine. What? We don't want to do that, that's the worse thing we could do....But it's totally possible if you are wrong at something.
I just wrong something that was 11 pages long and I have no idea anything that I put on paper. or if it's right, or if it will pass the grade, or if it was in English. Maybe I started to break out and write in tongues, I don't know. Depending on your denomination that is totally plausible!!!
This is what I do know. I need turkey. I need football. I need to bite my tongue while listening to painful family conversations. I need pajama pants...post pie eating pants...snuggling. I need puppies. I need naps. Did I say I need football? I do I need football. I need to scream at a screen while men can't figure out which jersey to throw to, (thanks Simms). I need to high five with my guy friends and speak stats with abandonment! I need to do all of that while Snuggling a cute Roedel boy. Shout out to Riley!!
But all of this is okay...Because the hard part is over and I am on a downhill to experience all of that. I knew that that I loved Jesus. I know that I wanted to go to school for Jesus. I knew the LACK OF biblical knowledge I did not have. But I wasn't prepared to feel like I did when I was first learning how to drive: Given way too much power or responsibility without any idea how to work it. I know that will pass....hmph.
I need to eat Panera Bread....